You have recently been in a car accident. You have seen a doctor for your injuries, and you have submitted an insurance claim, but the insurance company is not moving fast enough. Your medical bills are piling up and you are missing work while you recover. A personal injury lawyer can help. 

There are many reasons to hire a personal injury attorney to represent you after a car accident. 

Do thorough research

While you focus on recovery, a personal injury attorney gathers the information needed for your case. This includes: 

  • Obtaining the police accident report and any photos to help argue who was at fault 
  • Speaking to witnesses 
  • Gathering your medical records and obtain special reports from your doctors if needed to prove your injuries 

Your personal injury attorney understands how to find information that may not be immediately obvious. 

Speak on your behalf

Personal injury attorneys have experience speaking with insurance companies. Your attorney can handle further contact with insurance for you. Opposing sides in a lawsuit have an obligation to share facts and documents. Your attorney will speak with the attorney representing the opposing party to exchange information during the fact-finding stage of the lawsuit. 

Work for your best interests

Your attorney works with you to determine what a satisfying outcome would be for you. This typically includes attempting to settle your case for you, but not settling for less than what you should receive. If the insurance company will not offer a fair settlement, your attorney can take your case to trial and fight for you. 

Hiring a personal injury attorney takes the burden off you, so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.